Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fogo Loch club name suggestions:

Greetings guys!

The new Fogo Nest place is almost finished. And our first club will be opened soon. You know it's closed for visitors right now, so we all need to have just a little bit more patience counting the days till the official opening. Well, as always I managed to give you a nice paparazzi picture of a tiny preview of the new sim. Enjoy!

But we also need a new name for our club. You don't want it to be something too obvious and boring or too dirty or too trashy. We need a suggestive name that works on your imagination and inspires all the guest to come and see. And here we need your help. We spent some time in brainstorming for the new name. Here there are some suggestions. You can participate in choosing a name if you like. Just pick up one to three names you like from the list. You can place your choice here as a comment (in this case others will see your choice) or send me a notecard.

You have time till Monday midday (SL time). I shall look through your choices and find out the most popular three of them. I shall present them to our King Perseus and Fly, so they can choose the final name.

Guys, don't miss your chance to give your vote, participate in Fogo Loch life and help the sim! Thanks in advance!

P.S. It's not a contest. The contest was announces on April 21st, but cancelled due to low response.

Here are the name suggestions:

1. The Black Door
2. fudge (with possible variation. Fugitive)
3. Male Box (possible variation Tool Box)
4. Cubby Hole
5. Club 69
6. Steam Heat
7. Brokeback (possible variation. Broke&Back)
8. Wet Dream
9. GoodHands
10. Zipperz (var. Z!pper, Z!pperz)
11. The Cockpit (var Cook Pete)
12. The Tunnel
13. The Renegade
14. Fog (var. Go Fogo or goFogo, GoFoGo)
15. Fock
16. Faun
17. Vibro (possible variation Vibratto)
18. Chain Drive
19. Hoods
20. B@tts
21. SLEX


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And to show an example of being a good citizen of Fogo Loch I shall place my votes here. I like:

    The Cockpit
    Wet Dream

    Oh, it's four and only three are allowed? Well, skip the last one LOL.

  3. Brokenback. (I am Luyten) Bye guys <3

  4. One more suggestion I've got via a notecard. It's from a sympathizer of Fogo and it's not a vote, but a new name suggestion. So it can't be considered, but still worth to mention here:

    I'm not actually a Fogo member, just a friend of one member, but looking over the club name choices most made me think of a sex club. I know you've got all the names you need for voting on, but I'm still going to throw this out there.

    Club Soulless

    After all, it is a clan of Vampires, Lycans and others that give their soul to another, becoming soulless as well as taking the souls of others.

    just my thought

  5. Another suggestion from the Notecard here:

    I put it hear as all meanings do count within this discussion.

    The Pyramid Unchained or Sacrifice?

    Probably a combination of something with sacrifice.

  6. And here is another vote from the notecard:

    The submission of Soulless inspired me. How about Solstice?
    Perhaps that can be added to the list, it also kind of goes with the theme. My other choices are:

    The Cockpit

  7. And one more:

    GoFogo, Brokeback or Zipperz

  8. Another suggestion:

    Either Fog
    Or Zipperz (all variants)
