For the beginning of Big American Dream, please visit
The fall has come and brought the cold wind and rainy days. My dreams of becoming a great artist couldn't keep me warm anymore when I was sleeping on the bench in front of the Art House. It's time to find a house or an apartment or even a small corner somewhere in a dry and warm place. So, today I decided to go and search for the place I can call home for the next couple of years.
The prices per square meter in a big city are frightening when I compare them to my home place. And even a square meter itself looks much less in a city measurements. But well, now I have some income, I probably can find something suitable.
Let's start from that container house on the backside of the city. The house itself doesn't really look inviting and the surroundings are far from the touristic view, but the nice green trees fort he window might make it look cosy.
But not sure I am ready to spent my life in a place that looks like this from inside. It's very cool actually and reminds me of an old garage I was hiding in as a teenager smoking a joint. But being here every day would make me crazy. Well, may be later. When I become famous and completely spoiled with fame and money I shall rent a room here to turn it into my small studio where I can hide from my fans and create crazy masterpieces.
My next stop is a Motel. Is it green? It's supergreen! Just a simple place to crash. Looks good.
Inside it's as simple as it looks from outside. Just the minimum needed to relax. A bottle of Jack Daniels would make the rest making this place looking according to the current needs.
My uncle Vince always told me - aim at something you can't afford yet, so you have a motivation to grow somewhere, So, I decided to look for the lofts as well even I am not sure I have enough money for them at the moment. I always wanted to live in a high building like this one.
The view to the city from above is very peaceful. All the troubles and problems of a Big City seem so small from here. And the room itself is quite appealing as well. I really like this place.
While walking on the street and thinking of the houses I've seen so far, I noticed some very fancy looking houses to rent. This one is definitely at least three times as much as my current budget, but...
My uncle Vince has also told me: "Kid, if you dream anyway, let your dream to be a big one. Never restrict yourself within your dreamworld." So, I decided to visit this house as well. Looks quite sophisticated inside. I guess I'll need to hire a designer to decorate this one. Well, who knows, may be later when I get tired of living in a high building.
And at the end, just when I was walking to my shift at the theater I found another house. A big and a nice one. Not sure if it was a real vision or just a mirage, but I took a picture of it with my memory...
Well, I've seen enough for today and now it's time to think and make a decision. It's warm and dry, so for the last time I shall go and sleep on the bench before the Art House and tomorrow will bring me one step closer to my Big Dream. Tomorrow I shall have a house.
Chris Chronicles is a blog about my journey through the Second Life where I recreate the pieces of my dreams in form of artistic photos.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
My little Big American Dream
It's nice to follow the developments of the new GAYstar sim. Each time I come there, I find something news. Slowly the contours of its urban face become very clear. The Big City or the place where the famous American Dream may come true. The place where one can become rich and famous just by the random game of chance. And so I decided to leave my small village home, buy my one way lottery ticket and start my adventure for the treasure hidden under the rainbow.
And well, just upon my arrival I met an Fairy... or an Angel... Well, actually it was Chris Magic who came into the City a long time ago. And guess what? He got his prize already. He's the manager of dance club here and soon he will give his very first party. I think I smell the scent of success here.

But first things first. I need to find a job, so I can survive the time before my own success story will come true. So, I started right away at the theater. Well, yes, so far it's just a porn theater and my job so far is to sale tickets there and assist the staff. But one day I might taste the success of the stage.

I haven't expected the requirements of the Big City. It costs a lot of money to live here. So, to make some extra I started to cruise offering escort services at the local shopping and hang out place. Besides some extra money it's also a nice way to build up my network.

And my dream? Well I spend a lot of time just right in front of it dreaming about the times when I become a famous artist who can make a lot of money with his artwork. I dream about my own expositions, parties and a lot of champagne.
But so far I haven't arranged a house yet. But it's not a problem. As long as it's warm and dry outside I sleep on the bench before the Art House and see the colorful dreams of my bright future.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Cities of Angels
Cities of Angels is a collection of artwork by Benjamin Glendale selected for the exhibition at La Sociedad de los Poetas Dementes, at the Mexico sim. It's all about cities and urban sims in SL. It's opened from today and can be visited at I love Ben's artwork and it was a pleasure to visit his exhibition there today.
"Wings of Desire" is a another work I can just sit before and let my fantasy to unfold the frozen image into a whole story.
The citiescapes are always appealing to me with their realism and emptiness that triggers curiosities and invites to step in and explore.
And here there is just a random picture of the sim the gallery is located. "A little bit of everything" - as a random local I met told me. Nice place to be.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Atumnal experience
Well, guys, I guess I never told you, that I have another very dear place I can call house besides Fogo Loch. A small 512 piece of land at the ocean side I own. A private tropical island. It's always nice to escape there watching sun descending into the depths of the ocean and relax. But being honest, I like the seasons changes very much and being on the same tropical island all the year long can be pretty boring. So sometimes I try to make something else of my little piece of land. And I have to say, it's quite a challenge with 117 prims only.
This time I transformed this island into a piece of autumnal forest with a little cottage on it.
This time I transformed this island into a piece of autumnal forest with a little cottage on it.
From this point of view it even looks much bigger than the 512 piece of land.
And well, I decided not to abandon the ocean side as I still like the sunsets there. Let's think of it as of a big Lake in the middle of the forest.
And at night, when the Blood Moon rises, the place is turned into a haunted village where the lost demons can find their shelter.
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